“GP Counter” is a general-purpose multi-counter that records the time stamp.
GP Counter can be used on iPhones and iPads with iOS 13 or above.
The plus and minus buttons are available as long as they are within the Count Expiration Date.
The count expiration date is extended by watching the ad.
Ads can be viewed up to 10 times a day.
It is also possible to eliminate this expiration date with in-app purchases and allow unlimited counting. In-app purchases can be made from the setting screen that opens with the black setting button at the bottom left of the main screen (startup screen).
To count at multiple counters at the same time, count on the main screen (startup screen).
The plus button on the right side of the counter is for counting up, and the minus button is for counting down.
Lock counters that will not be used for the time being so that they will not be counted incorrectly. You can switch between locking and unlocking by tapping the lock button between the plus and minus buttons.
If you want to concentrate on one counter, tap the magnify button on the upper left of that counter.
You can add a counter (create a new one) with the “Add Counter” button.
Tap the light gray setting button at the bottom left of the counter to enter the counter title and change the color of the counter.
Tap the “Edit” button at the bottom right of the main screen (startup screen) to delete counter or to sort the counters.
(The “Edit” button is disabled when there is only one counter.)
You can visually check the count time with the graph button in the center left of the counter.
By tapping the “another counter” button at the bottom right and selecting from the list that appears, the count results of another selected counter will be displayed side by side.
Pinch in / pinch out to enlarge or reduce the time axis of the graph.
Scroll the time axis of the graph by dragging up and down.
Tap the “Data” button at the bottom left of the graph screen to display the time stamp for each count.
Tap the “file output” button to output the time stamp as a CSV file.
The output file can be operated from the “Files app”.
count,date,time,id1 80 Math A Correct Answer
The first line of the file contains the header “count, date, time”, the id of the counter (id1), the total count value (80), and the title of the counter (Math A Correct Answer).
The count, date, and time are described in the second and subsequent lines.
(e.g. 1,2022-03-08,18:26:41.764 => The first count was performed at 18:26: 41.764 on March 8, 2022)
Today’s counts are displayed in light gray at the bottom of the counter in tally marks.
To select the type of tally marks, tap the black setting button at the bottom left of the main screen (startup screen).